1,331 research outputs found

    Temporal Variation in Resuspension Potential and Associated Nutrient Dynamics in Shallow Coastal Environments

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    Sediment resuspension may play a major role in sediment-water exchange of nutrients, matter and energy in coastal areas where waves and currents dominate sediment transport. Biogeochemical sediment properties regulate sediment erodibility, but there is only limited knowledge of how temporal variability in environmental variables is reflected in the resuspension potential, especially for subtidal habitats. Further, the significance of resuspension on nutrient fluxes in coastal environments has remained unclear as contradicting results have been reported. Here we quantified the temporal variation in resuspension potential metrics (erosion threshold (τc; N m−2) and erosion constant (me; g N−1 s−1)) and associated nutrient fluxes from three sites in the Hanko archipelago (Finland) using a core-based erosion device (EROMES). The sites were sampled bi-monthly from April to December. We also quantified the temporal variation in biogeochemical sediment properties at each site. The τc exhibited the clearest temporal pattern in muddy sediment, where the coefficient of variation (= 67) was two to three times higher than the mixed (= 29) and sandy (= 16) sediments. Dry bulk density was the best predictor for sediment erodibility at all sites explaining 26–46% of the temporal variation in τc despite its limited variability at sandier sites. In addition, temporal variations in the macrofaunal community were important predictors of muddy sediment erodibility and therefore community dynamics need to be considered in sediment transport studies. All sites were potential nutrient sources, yet the overall role of sediment resuspension on nutrient release from the sediments was small.Peer reviewe

    Supermartensiittiset ruostumattomat teräkset ja niiden käyttökohteet

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    Tiivistelmä. Kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli perehtyä supermartensiittisiin ruostumattomiin teräksiin yleisellä tasolla sekä niiden käyttökohteisiin. Supermartensiittiset ruostumattomat teräkset koostuvat pääosin martensiittisesta faasista sekä prosentuaalisesta määrästä jäännösausteniittia sisältävästä faasista. Kyseisen materiaali on koostumukseltaan yleensä 11–13 % kromia, 4–6 % nikkeliä ja ne sisältävät erityisen vähän välisijahiiltä ja typpeä. Tärkein käyttökohde kyseisille teräksille on offshore-öljy- ja kaasuteollisuudessa erilaisissa putkistoissa, jotka vaativat hyvää korroosion sietokykyä, lujuutta, kovuutta ja hitsattavuutta.Supermartensitic stainless steels and applications. Abstract. The objective of this thesis was to get acquainted with supermartensitic stainless steels generally and their general applications. Metallurgy, properties and their most common applications are explained briefly in the thesis. Supermartensitic stainless steels contain mostly martensitic phase with a prosentual amount of retained austenite. The chemical compositions of SMSS are based on the Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo system with 4–6% of Ni, 0.5–2.5% of Mo and very low interstitial elements C and N. It has been increasingly applied to critical structures and components in offshore oil and gas industry like seamless pipes. These applications require excellent combined properties of corrosion resistance, weldability, strength and toughness

    Hyvinvointia peruskoulusta:yhteisöllinen oppilashuolto hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä

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    Tiivistelmä. Lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointi vaikuttaa heikentyneen. Ilmiö on huolestuttava, sillä se vaikuttaa monin tavoin ennen kaikkea yksilöön, mutta myös yhteiskuntaan. Kun laajaan ilmiöön etsitään ratkaisua, on kiinnitettävä huomiota koko järjestelmään. Perusopetus tavoittaa merkittävän osan lapsista ja nuorista, joten koulut ovat luonnollisia paikkoja edistää heidän hyvinvointiaan. Vaikka koulujen hyvinvointityössä yhteisöllinen oppilashuolto määritellään ensisijaiseksi oppilaiden hyvinvointia edistäväksi toiminnaksi, sen toimintaa on tutkittu vain vähän. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena on luoda katsaus siitä, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat oppilaiden hyvinvointiin peruskoulussa ja miten oppilaiden hyvinvointia edistetään suomalaisessa perusopetuksessa yhteisöllisen oppilashuollon keinoin. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman menetelmänä käytetään kuvailevaa integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Menetelmä mahdollistaa tutkittavan ilmiön tarkastelun monipuolisesti, vaikka siitä ei olisi vielä juurikaan tutkimustietoa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto koostuu kansainvälisestä hyvinvointitutkimuksesta sekä yhteisöllistä oppilashuoltoa käsittelevistä artikkeleista, raporteista ja säädöksistä. Osallisuus on yhteisöllisen oppilashuollon toiminnan lähtökohta, minkä takia tutkielmassa hyödynnetään myös sellaisia aineistoja, joista välittyy koulun henkilöstön, oppilaiden ja heidän huoltajiensa näkemykset. Tässä parityönä toteutetussa tutkielmassa on hyödynnetty triangulaation periaatetta. Prosessissa on pyritty huolellisuuteen, analyyttisyyteen ja refleksiivisyyteen. Tutkielman tulosten luotettavuutta ja yleistettävyyttä arvioitaessa on kuitenkin huomioitava kandidaatintutkielmassa käytetyn menetelmän rajallisuus. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella oppilaiden hyvinvointiin vaikuttavat tekijät peruskoulussa voidaan jakaa neljään kategoriaan: 1) yhteenkuuluvuus ja yhteisöllisyys 2) vertaissuhteet 3) luokan ilmapiiri ja opettaja-oppilassuhteet sekä 4) oppimisympäristö ja koulun ulkoiset järjestelyt. Tutkielman perusteella nämä hyvinvointiin vaikuttavat tekijät huomioidaan yhteisöllisen oppilashuollon järjestämistä ohjaavissa säädöksissä sekä koulujen käytännöissä monipuolisesti. Yhteisöllinen oppilashuolto on osa koulujen toimintakulttuuria, minkä takia sen toteutumista on haastava mitata. Hyvinvoinnin edistäminen näyttää kuitenkin ilmenevän niin koulun arkisissa tilanteissa kuin koulutyön suunnittelussa. Vaikka hyvinvoinnin edistäminen on sisäänkirjoitettu suomalaiseen kasvatustyöhön, normatiivisia ja konkreettisia ohjeita yhteisöllisen oppilashuollon toteuttamiseksi on vähän. Tämän tutkielman perusteella tutkimusta peruskoulussa toteutettavasta hyvinvointityöstä ja toisaalta sen vaikuttavuudesta tarvitaankin lisää. Aihetta voitaisiin tutkia tarkemmin myös pro gradu -tutkielmassa.Well-being from school : promoting pupils’ well-being through collective pupil welfare services. Abstract. The well-being of children and young people appears to have decreased. This phenomenon is worrying because it affects the individual and society in many ways. When looking for a solution to this widespread phenomenon, attention must be paid to the whole system. Basic education reaches a significant proportion of children and young people hence schools are natural places to promote their well-being. Although collective pupil welfare services are defined as a priority activity for promoting the well-being of pupils, little is known about it. The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to provide an overview of the factors affecting the well-being of pupils in comprehensive school and how to promote the well-being of pupils in Finnish basic education through collective pupil welfare services. The method used in this thesis is descriptive integrative literature review. It allows a diverse analysis of the phenomenon although it is not widely researched. The data of this review consists of international welfare research and articles, reports and regulations on collective pupil welfare services. The thesis aims to also consider the views of school personnel, pupils and their carers as their involvement is the basis for pupil welfare services. This thesis is an overview of a wide topic. This thesis is collaborative research that has taken advantage of the principle of triangulation. The process sought to be analytical, reflective and thorough. When assessing the reliability and generality of its results, the limitations of the method used in this thesis must be considered. Based on the data of the review the factors affecting the well-being of pupils in comprehensive school can be divided into four categories: 1) relatedness and communality 2) peer relations 3) class atmosphere and teacher-student relationships and 4) learning environment and external arrangements in school. These factors appear to be considered in multiple ways in the regulations of collective pupil welfare services and school practices. Since collective pupil welfare services is part of the school culture, it is challenging to measure its implementation. However, the promotion of well-being seems to emerge in organizing the education and in everyday school practices. Although the promotion of well-being is included in Finnish education there are few normative guidelines for the implementation of collective pupil welfare services. Based on this review more research is needed on the welfare work and its effectiveness in comprehensive schools. This subject could be further researched on Master’s thesis

    Sediment properties, biota and local habitat structure explain variation in the erodibility of coastal sediments

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    Sediment resuspension is a frequent phenomenon in coastal areas and a key driver for many ecosystem functions. Sediment resuspension is often linked to biological and anthropogenic activities, which in combination with hydrodynamic forcing initiate sediment erosion and resuspension, if the erosion threshold (tau(c)) is exceeded. Despite its importance to ecosystem functions very few studies have provided measurements on natural assemblages for subtidal sediments. The aim of this study was to determinate key environmental variables regulating sediment resuspension potential across a sedimentary gradient in a subtidal coastal environment. In order to explore this, we sampled 16 sites encompassing a wide variety in environmental variables (e.g., grain size distribution, macrofaunal communities, vegetation) in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. A core-based erosion device (EROMES) was used to determine sediment resuspension potential measures of erosion threshold, erosion rate (ER), and erosion constant (m(e)). Based on abiotic and biotic properties sampled, sediments diverged into two distinct groups; cohesive (muddy) and noncohesive (sandy) sediments. Results showed that abiotic sediment properties explained 38-53% and 15-36% of the total variation in resuspension potential measures in muddy and sandy sediments, respectively. In cumulative models, biota accounted for 12-26% and 6-24% to the total variation in muddy and sandy sediments, respectively. Sediment erodibility and resuspension potential of natural sediments is highly variable from local habitats to a larger seascape scale. Our results underline the importance of biota to resuspension potential measures in spatially variable environments.Peer reviewe

    Subclinical cardiotoxicity following adjuvant dose-escalated FEC, high-dose chemotherapy, or CMF in breast cancer

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    We compared adjuvant chemotherapy-related myocardial damage by antimyosin scintigraphy in patients who received either nine cycles of FEC (fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide) where the doses of epirubicin and cyclophosphamide were escalated according to the leucocyte nadir (group I, n = 14), three cycles of FEC followed by high-dose chemotherapy with alkylating agents (CTCb) given with the support of peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (group II, n = 14), or six cycles of standard intravenous CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil; group III, n = 8). The cardiac uptake of In-111-antimyosin-Fab (R11D10) antibody was measured and the heart-to-lung ratio (HLR) calculated 8–36 months after the last dose of chemotherapy. Cardiac antimyosin antibody uptake was considerably higher among patients treated with nine cycles of dose-escalated FEC than among those who were treated with three cycles of FEC and high-dose CTCb (HLR, median 1.98; range 1.36–2.24 vs median 1.51; range 1.20–1.82;P< 0.001), or those treated with CMF (median 1.44; range 1.15–1.68;P< 0.001). The difference between groups II and III was not significant (P> 0.1). A linear association was found between the cumulative dose of epirubicin and the cardiac antimyosin uptake (P< 0.001). We conclude that subclinical cardiac damage caused by three cycles of conventional-dose FEC followed by one cycle of high-dose CTCb chemotherapy is small as compared with the damage caused by dose-escalated FEC. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Predictors of employment in young adults with psychiatric work disability

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    AIM: Mental disorders are the leading cause of work disability among young adults in the industrialized world. Factors predicting employment after long-term psychiatric work disability are largely unknown. METHODS: We linked personal and clinical information from the benefit applications and medical certificates of 1163 young adults (18-34 years) with a new-onset fixed-term psychiatric disability pension in 2008 with employment records between 2005 and 2013. The outcomes were starting employment during and being employed at the end of follow-up. RESULTS: Of the participants, 48% had been employed during and 22% were employed at the end of follow-up. Sustained employment history, university education (master's degree) and no recorded psychological symptoms in childhood were associated with both subsequent employment outcomes. Women and participants under 25 years were more likely to start employment. Depression and other mental disorders (vs psychotic diagnose) and having no comorbid mental disorders or substance abuse were associated with employment at the end of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Sustained employment history, university education and no recorded psychological symptoms during childhood predict a return to employment among young adults after a fixed-term psychiatric work disability pension. Pro-active interventions in psychological problems during childhood could enhance employment after a period of work disability

    The development of entrepreneurial potential among higher education students

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how entrepreneurial potential is developed among young people. Changes in individuals’ entrepreneurial intentions and the antecedents of intentions are investigated, as well as the impact of entrepreneurship education on the changes. Design/methodology/approach – Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is applied. Longitudinal data from 197 HE students, in their first and third year of studies, is examined using path analysis. Findings – Overall the entrepreneurial intentions of HE students decreased over time. Intentions decreased particularly for those with high initial level of intentions, whereas the group with increasing intentions rose from low to neutral level of intentions. Changes in attitudes and perceived behavioral control have a significant positive impact. Versatile entrepreneurship courses have direct effect on changes in attitudes. Changes in attitudes have a dual role, as they influence change in both intentions and perceived behavioral control. The developed model explains 19 percent of the variance among women and 28 percent among men, suggesting gender differences in development of intentions. Research limitations/implications – Only one way of developing entrepreneurial potential in young people (i.e. education) is covered. The empirical sample is limited to one university. Practical implications – The results suggest versatile methods of entrepreneurship education are more effective in developing intentions than perhaps purely active modes. Gender differences should be considered when designing interventions to foster entrepreneurial potential. Originality/value – The research confirms with longitudinal individual-level data the applicability of TPB on entrepreneurial intentions and demonstrates the mediated impact of versatile entrepreneurship courses on changes in intentions.European Regional Development Fun